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Islamic Resource Group is a Minnesota-based nonprofit conducting educational presentations about Islam and the authentic Muslim experience. Our customizable presentations cover everything from the basics of Islam (Islam 101) to in-depth workshops for educators, law enforcement, and business professionals. These fact-based sessions are led by trained and experienced volunteer speakers who are all passionate about community building and dialogue.

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Donate Now

IRG’s mission is to build bridges of understanding between Muslim Americans and the broader community through education. Get your donation now to help us with our mission

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Request A Presentation

Hundreds of positive reviews IRG have received for its presentations on Islam. Thousands have had their misperceptions corrected by our trained speakers. For presentation requests please fill the form under the link below

Presentation Request Form
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Become A Speaker

Are you interested in becoming an IRG speaker? IRG offers speaker workshops at no cost to attendees in January and August every year. After the workshop, you will be paired with an experienced speaker to help you complete the certification process. You will be able to shadow your mentor in actual presentations and learn by presenting alongside him or her. Please fill out the following form and we will contact you when the next IRG Speaker training is scheduled.

Speaker registeration Form