IRG-101: An Introduction to Islam and Muslims – School Settings
This presentation supplements the study of world history, geography, world religions, and other social studies courses in middle and high schools. This introduction will give students a better understanding of what Islam teaches and what Muslims practice. The speaker will introduce basic terminology, demographics, and differences between religion and culture. Students will learn about the beliefs and practices of Muslims as well as religious celebrations and will also have the opportunity to get your questions answered first hand.
IRG-102: An Introduction to Islam and Muslims – Community Education
This class provides a presentation to understand what Islam teaches and what Muslims practice. The class will introduce basic terminology, demographics, and differences between religion and culture. Participants will learn about the beliefs and practices of Muslims as well as religious celebrations and will also have the opportunity to get questions answered first hand.
IRG-103: An Introduction to Islam and Muslims – Interfaith, Multifaith, and House of Worship Settings
Explore the what sets Islam apart from other faith, spiritual, and other belief systems, through the exploration of Muslim basic beliefs and practices. A comparative focus on the similarities between Christianity and Islam can be highlighted, such as how how Muslims view God, Mary, and Jesus as well as verses from the Qur’an that are equivalent to the Ten Commandments. This presentation highlights interfaith scholarship and suggestions on combatting Islamophobia.
IRG-104: Women in Islam
This presentation covers Islamic teachings about the different roles of Muslim women in society, including cultural differences. The speaker will talk about common misconceptions regarding Muslim women and explain gender equity in the spiritual, social, and economic aspect of life. Muslim women and culture/diversity will also be discussed. The presentation is concluded with examples of Muslim women and their role in history and modern life.
IRG-201: Prophet Muhammad: His Life and Legacy
This class will give an overview of the life of Prophet Muhammad from early childhood to prophet hood. Insight into his different roles as a messenger of God, leader, husband, father, and teacher will be explored. The presentation covers the Prophet’s teachings and what he means to Muslims.
IRG-202: Islamic Contributions to Civilization
World civilizations enrich and build upon each others contributions. This class will give an overview of contributions made by Muslims in different fields such as science, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, engineering, arts etc. The class will also discuss the origins of some of the commonly used words. The overview will include numerous examples across fields so that the audience can easily relate to the content.
IRG-301: Minnesota Muslims Up Close
Historical records show a Muslim presence in Minnesota that goes as far back as 1880. Current estimates put the Muslim population in Minnesota at about 140,000. This class is based on the exhibit Tracks in the Snow – The Minnesota Muslim Experience since 1880 which Islamic Resource Group put together with support from the Minnesota Historical Society in 2014. Participants will get an exclusive insight into the lives and experiences of Minnesota Muslims from different cultural backgrounds and their pioneering work.
IRG-302: Roots of Islam in the United States
The presentation describes the earliest Muslims in this country, namely enslaved West Africans, and features stories and experiences of individual enslaved Muslims, including “Prince”, who is featured in a PBS documentary called “Prince Among Slaves,” which was aired in 2007. It also chronicles the development of conversion movements in the African American community and the impact of West African Muslim culture on the U.S. The presentation also traces the presence of Arab and other immigrant Muslims from pre-Columbus times.