Episode 33 – Muhammad Abdusabur Muhammad


City of Residence:

New Brighton, MN




“For me my challenge was myself, otherwise I have no challenge, because life is the way you live. Life is challenge always but if you try to be good to your community wherever you live the community you live into and also if you greet people even no good or bad on the street you see them, “Hello,” “Hi,” you don’t have no challenge. You have to challenge yourself first.

When we say community, the area you live and also the state you live, whether he is Christian or he is Jew or whatever he is, whatever religion he carries, it doesn’t matter. As long as he is your community, he’s human being, if he needs anything you have it, you have to give charity, or if you don’t have, you have to give your time to the communities. So we don’t look at it only one side. We have to look circle around our side area, circle around our communities.

Being Muslim in Minnesota, the Minnesotans for me, we’re respected. I work with the Jewish families and I have my spot to pray there two times or three times a day. They respect my prayer time and also they respect me as a Muslim. I work for Men’s Warehouse, I tell them “If you hire me, I don’t want to take anytime from your job, from you, but I have to take my time, I have to pray.” What time? This time and this time. According to when the weather changes, the time changes. When time changes I will let you know, but know this time, the time is this and this. Okay, this is your faith, pray. Then I pray and do my job. So very respectful to me.”

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