Episode 37 – Clare Nakumbe


City of Residence:

North Minneapolis, MN


Homemaker, retired daycare provider


“I came to Islam under Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam. Eventually when his son Warith Deen took the leadership role in I think it was 1975 and he brought what I call the Orthodox Islam to us at that time. The Qur’an—I always had the Qur’an in the Nation, but I never read it—but when his son came into the leadership role in 1975, that’s when we began, he began to tell us to read the Qur’an, study Arabic. When I began to read about Prophet Muhammad, his life, and the things that he went through, and how he did things, that made me more aware of what the religion is about.

My place of worship and my religion is what keeps me focused with all the things that are around me today. I know that regardless of what’s going on, there is someone higher than all of that, and you know, man can have his whatever, but eventually it’ll come down to what it needs to be.

I think, our community, Masjid An-Nur, it’s really one of the most open communities that there is as Muslim communities. I really think that. I think when you come there, you’re going to see a diversity. You’re not going to just see one ethnic group; you’re going to see a diversity of people worshipping at our masjid. And we’ve had people say to us, they come to our masjid because they feel comfortable there. They feel comfortable, you know.”

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