
Episode 5 – Razina Motala

City of Residence: Woodbury, MN Occupation: Runs In-Home Daycare Preschool Excerpt: “Apartheid. I guess, growing up in apartheid in South Africa was different. We had to live in certain areas, we had to go to certain schools, we had different movie theaters that we would go to, different parks that we were allowed to go to, getting on …


Episode 6 – Elvis Budimlic

City of Residence: Rochester, MN Occupation: Computer Scientist Excerpt: “My interviewer—I think his name was Jim—he asked me, how about United States? Because I already spoke some English and I said fine, and he asked me which part of the country—and I didn’t know United States that well—I just said I don’t want to go to a big …


Episode 7 – Ghulam Haniff

City of Residence: St. Cloud, MN Occupation: Professor Emeritus at St. Cloud State University Excerpt: “There are probably two types of struggles for Muslims at this point in time. One is the stigma attached to—to Islam and to anything that has to do with Islam and of course to Muslims in general… because of these unfortunate events that …


Episode 8 – Sara Shahsavand

City of Residence: Blaine, MN Occupation: Teacher, Principal Excerpt: “The greatest achievement, I believe it is what I mentioned a few times how we have become so active in the community, teaching about Islam. I think that’s very, very important. And it has been a big achievement, I believe. I enjoy seeing what IRG has done in Minnesota, …